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Salary Packaging

There are two ways you can currently pay your income tax. You can take all your remuneration as salary, pay your income tax on the whole amount, then pay for your expenses. Or, you can package part of your remuneration by paying some of your expenses before you pay income tax, reducing the amount on which you are taxed.

That's right, you can increase your take home pay through flexible remuneration packaging (FRP).


What can you package?

Your car parking arrangements
Your resources
Your professional development
Your Superannuation
Your Additional Annual Leave


How does it work?

We remove the amount of the item from your net salary to calculate your income tax on the lower amount. The amount that you paid for the item is now tax free!

If GST if it was applied on the item we refund this directly to you!

HR Services must receive all salary packaging requests no later than the 7th of the month to be included in the 16th of the month pay run.

Keep reading to find out all of the items that you can salary package...


Your car parking arrangements

WHAT – You can salary sacrifice you monthly car parking costs if you elect for Deloitte to reserve and pay on your behalf a car parking space in one of the firm negotiated car parking places.

HOW - For on site parking arrangements Australia wide, please contact Helen Bourke on (insert phone number) or email Helen on

Step 1 - Contact Helen who will provide you with information on the costs associated with salary sacrificing car parking (including estimated FBT costs) and advise you of the process.

Step 2 - Once you decide you want to proceed Helen will send you the paperwork to set up the car parking arrangement.

Step 3 - Once the documents are finalised and signed, Helen will advise HR Services to begin the package by reflecting your salary sacrificed arrangements in the firm’s payroll system - Peoplesoft.

Step 4 – Day to day queries in relation to car parking should be directed to Helen Bourke.

Step 5 – At the end of each FBT year, 31 March, HR Services will provide you with a reconciliation of your car parking package, including all deductions made on your behalf and the actual FBT cost following FBT year end. You will be contacted by HR Services in relation to the reconciliation that is provided, and whether you are owed or owe Deloitte money.

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Your resources

WHAT – The following costs associated with your employment can be packaged:

• Laptop computer

Laptops can be packaged when purchased for work purposes (regardless of whether partially or solely for work purposes). Software can only be packaged if purchased at the same time as the laptop. Printers are subject to FBT therefore can only be packaged if purchased at the same time as the laptop, and if the item forms part of the total laptop package i.e. where the cost of the printer is not itemised separately.

• Palm Pilot / electronic diary

Where purchased for work purposes (regardless of whether partially or solely for work purposes) palm pilot / electronic diaries can be packaged. The PDA must be designed for use as a PDA (eg, word, excel etc) but may have an additional phone capability. Typical brands include: O2, Hewlett Packard, Blackberries. This does not include mobile phones with organiser functions which can normally be distinguished as they are produced by mobile phone companies. eg, Nokia's, Samsung's.

• Briefcase

Briefcases used for work purposes can be salary sacrificed.

• Airport lounge

Qantas Frequent Flyer Club can be salary sacrificed. The number of memberships that can be sacrificed in any one year is limited to one.

HOW - Send HR Services a paid tax invoice (or receipt) of the costs incurred. HR Services will refund the GST in full, and the remaining cost of the item will be a tax-free portion of your salary. HR Services must receive all reciepts no later than the 7th of the month for the salary sacrifice to be included in the 16th of the month pay run. If you have any queries, please contact HR Services on 7007.

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Your professional development

WHAT - Costs associated with your professional development, where the professional development is related to your industry and role within Deloitte may be salary sacrificed over one, two or three months. 

Examples of the type of professional development costs which can be packaged includes:

• Self education – Fees for TAFE, fees for university studies, books, etc (HECS cannot be salary sacrificed)
• Conference travel and accommodation (where related to the industry and role of the person concerned)
• Professional and membership subscriptions (1 per year).

HOW - Send HR Services a paid tax invoice (or receipt) of the costs incurred. HR Services will refund the GST in full, and the remaining cost of the item will be a tax-free portion of your salary. HR Services must receive all reciepts no later than the 7th of the month for the salary sacrifice to be included in the 16th of the month pay run. If you have any queries, please contact HR Services on 7007.

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Your Superannuation

WHAT - Over and above the 9% Superannuation Guarantee Charge contribution made by Deloitte on your behalf, employees can elect to salary sacrifice additional superannuation (subject to legislation on contributions limits based on age and maximum superannuation contribution limits – contact HR Services for more details on these areas).

HOW - Send HR Services an email to confirm in writing how much and when you would like to start salary sacrificing for superannuation. Please note that Deloitte policy is that we will only allow you to salary sacrifice to the same super account that you have opted to have you 9% employer SGC amount remitted to. If you have any queries, please contact HR Services on 7007.

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Your Additional Annual Leave

WHAT - With partner approval, you may be able to salary sacrifice 10 additional days of annual leave each year.

HOW -  Request written (email) approval from your partner and forward this to HR Services. We will then sacrifice 75 hours of additional annual leave over 12 months.

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Contact the HR Services Team by logging a call with 7007.


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Last modified: 13/06/2006

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